Anna Moe

Patent Attorney
Anna Moe Patent Attorney

Anna Moe

Patent Attorney


612-216-1161 or 605-334-1571


Anna Moe is a skilled patent and trademark attorney at Kaufhold & Dix Patent Law. With an impressive background in chemical engineering and critical thinking, she brings a unique perspective to the legal field.


Her professional journey includes her current role as an Attorney at Kaufhold & Dix Patent Law.  She previously worked at the firm Austin Hinderaker Hopper Strait & Benson, in Watertown, SD where she gained extensive experience in drafting legal documents, representing clients in the courtroom, and assisting her clients and her colleagues in various other legal capacities.  She also worked at Patterson, Thuente, Pederson, P.A., in Minneapolis, MN, where she gained experience working in patent and trademark prosecution.


Anna holds a Doctor of Law (J.D.) from Cornell University and an Engineer’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University. Her academic pursuits were distinguished by active involvement in several societies and initiatives.

Anna’s diverse experience and educational background make her a valuable asset to our legal team, offering a unique blend of technical expertise and legal acumen.